Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Never Give Up On Your Dreams

I don’t remember how,
I don’t remember when,
and I definitely don’t remember why,
but I gave up on writing a long time ago.

Don’t try to ask me what happened,
because I won’t be able to tell you.

All I can say
is that I promise to never,
let that happen again.

life might get in the way,
but you should always leave time,
especially for something you love to do.

No matter what or when it is,
never give up on what matters most to you.

That is my advice to you.
Never give up on your dreams.

You’re going somewhere,
I swear.


This is something I wrote about two months ago as a preparation exercise to writing for Camp NaNoWriMo* in June. Seeing as how the August edition is about to begin, I figured that I might as well start writing again.

Of course, even though I seem to have neglected this blog a bit for the past two weeks, I still have the intention of posting some more stories and poems onto here throughout the month.

*For those who aren’t familiar with NaNoWriMo, it stands for National Novel Writing Month and it takes place in November of every year. The goal of the project (run by the Office of Letters and Light) is to write a 50'000 word novel within a month. In June and August, they offer a summer-months program in order to offer the program to those who cannot make the time to write 1'667 words a day in the busy month of November.
My first experience with OLL was their ScriptFrenzy program. The goal was to write a 100-page script in the month of April. Unfortunately, they cancelled the program due to a lack of funding. Honestly, I am quite upset, but I definitely won't be letting that stop me from writing!

Anyways, to all those with dreams out there, don't forget to never give up!

I believe that everyone can make it,
-Alexe Pop


  1. So I thought I was following the blog... but I totally missed this post so clearly not. (I think I've fixed it now but who knows?)

    Anyways, I really liked this poem. It's not the most polished ever but it has a nice (& much needed by me!) message. Plus, certain parts (like the third stanza in particular) really flowed well.

    1. Apparently, I don't notice when someone leaves me a comment on my blog... Morgan, I totally missed this! (I think there's a way to receive messages when someone comments on your posts, I'll look into that for sure.)

      Thank you for your sweet words. I may not be all that great at writing poetry, but it is something I do like to do every now and then in my (seemingly non-existent) spare time. :)
